Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Skinny On Hollywood

  Hollywood has always been a huge influence on our society. When it comes to Hollywood stars, all eyes are focused on every little thing. From fashion to weight, the public is constantly aware of what the stars are doing, but are the pressures from being under the microscope finally affecting our celebrities? Nowadays women are constantly pushed to be the perfect woman. We need the perfect measurements, the perfect looks, perfect style, perfect everything. And for young Hollywood this can be stressful. Many young actresses are ridiculously skinny. From the stars of 90210 to Miley Cyrus to runway models, the girls are all looking quite unhealthy. It makes sense to be conscious of how you look, especially when you are in the public’s very critical eye, but these girls are giving off unrealistic images for young, vulnerable girls.

            So what can we do to change this problem? For one, we must discard this idea that beautiful is skin and bones. A century ago women who were full figured and shapely were considered beautiful. And in my eyes they still are. Women are naturally built to have curves. We have hips, we have breasts, we shouldn’t hide them, and we sure as hell shouldn’t try to make them disappear. Second, we need to stop analyzing every little flaw we can find. Quit standing in front of the mirror trying to find that little piece of cellulite, or that one roll. If you look hard enough you’ll find something, even if it’s not bad. Women have enough pressure as it is, why add more to yourself buy obsessing over your weight and looks? Yes, being beautiful is a great thing, but confidence and self-love is way sexier than any skin and bones model you see on the runway.

            It’s not only women however, who feel the pressures to have the perfect body; men are feelings the pressures now too. They have to be buff, cut, and have six pack abs to be good looking. More and more men are hopping on the plastic surgery train, altering their looks to be chiseled, buff and tighter looking.

 Liposuction and implants have become a huge trend in our society. Nip this, tuck that, add a little more here, take some from there, we all want to alter our looks to be more pleasing. But who says we aren’t pleasing already? Who has decided that our looks just aren’t beautiful? While Hollywood is not the only one to blame, it is the most influential. 

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