Tuesday, April 28, 2009

People Watching= Me Rambling

It’s the holiday season once again, and I’m sitting in the San Francisco Airport two hours early waiting for my flight back home. Sitting here, watching all of these people wander around looking for their gate, or something to do while they wait for their flight, I start to wonder about their lives. The old couple sitting across from me, the hippie chick across the room, the girl doing yoga, or the creepy guy who won’t stop staring at me. Are they going home to visit family, or maybe going to do some big charity job? And what makes them do the things they are doing? Obviously the old couple is just old and silly to me, but what a darling couple. Both using hand- sanitizing wipes munching on their little sandwiches. I wonder what they were like when they were my age. Considering that was probably a good 60 years ago, I bet they have some fabulous stories.

The hippie chick has been scanning the room like a paranoid schizophrenic. I think she might be doing the same thing as me, either writing about what she is experiencing or maybe drawing. She looks like she would be into drawing.

The girl doing yoga, well… what the hell? That’s all I can think. Who does yoga in the middle of an airport? Kind of odd if you ask me. And she can’t be doing it to relax since she is reading a textbook while doing it. This really makes me wonder what people are thinking. Is she just trying to show off her skills? Or does she have to do the moves every so often so that she doesn’t forget how to do them? Or maybe it’s a studying technique. Intriguing, yet odd. 

The creepy guy who won’t stop staring at me has a porn star moustache and a scar across his face. I can’t decide which is scarier, the moustache or the fact that he has a hat that could be a replica of Indiana Jones’ hat. Hmm, maybe he goes on crazy adventures like Indiana Jones, which would explain how he got that scar. Fighting someone in the desert while searching for a lost jewel or something.

People have stories upon stories to explain why they are the way they are. And every single one of them piques my interest to the point of starting random conversation just to find out a little about them. I’m probably the creepy one, looking for a reason to talk to someone. Like this lady on the shuttle, I noticed she had a military id and I felt a sudden connection. I mean, my dad is in the military, so we are connected sort of. I learned that her husband is ex military, and that she is heading to London. She was very nice too. She helped me find my gate and we got to talking about my photography. I love when other people take an interest in learning about someone they don’t even know. If more people were like that I think our world would be a little better. Learning little facts about someone on a bus, or train, or plane, really makes you humanize the world a bit more. We all get so wrapped up in our own lives; we don’t realize that there are a billion other people out there who do affect our lives in a way we don’t think about. It’s kind of cool if you think about it. Somewhere in the world there is someone doing something that not only affects his or her lives, but also potentially affects yours and mine.

Oh the things that come to me when I’m running on a few hours of sleep and I’m sitting bored in an airport people watching. 

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