Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Are You Voting?

   So the election is tomorrow. We all are going into the polls to vote and some of us, especially people my age, are quite uninformed. All we know is what the media tells us, and lets be honest, the media isn’t the best source to make an informed voting decision. Their mission is to make one candidate look like an ass while making the other look better than God. So how do we become informed and make a good decision based on what we believe? We can start by ignoring the media and going straight to the source. Look at each candidate’s websites and read what they have to say. Yes, each candidate is going to make their ideas sound so great, but you will be able to relate to one of the candidates and know who you agree with more. Also, read up on the propositions and look at which candidate agrees with your decision on the propositions. Some of these are very important, especially prop 8 and prop 4 (at least to me). 

      Prop 8 is all about marriage and whether or not same sex marriage should be legalized. In my opinion I fully believe that it should. By voting yes on Prop 8, you are saying that gay and lesbian couples are not allowed to be married. Marriage is a sacred thing to be shared between two people who love each other, we shouldn’t be allowed to turn a couple away because of their sex. Being gay is not something you choose, its something you feel. Just like being straight. We can’t choose to be straight, we are born straight, so how can we honestly believe that someone wasn’t born to love the same sex? We can’t. No one would choose to be put through all of the harassment, pain, and fear that gays and lesbians are put through. It’s all about feelings and emotions and who you feel them towards. So say no to Prop 8 because everyone has the right to legally marry the person they love, whether it be same sex or opposite sex. 

Prop 4 is about abortion and whether or not the girl’s parents should be notified at least 48 hours before the procedure. Now I know that we all want our children to be able to speak to their parents about anything, but in certain cases we just can’t. It’s hard to tell yourself that you’re pregnant, or even a friend, and it’s 20 times harder to tell your parents. If this were to pass, many girls would stray away from going to a safe and licensed clinic to somewhere shady or do it themselves. They might even consider suicide. Now suicide already has a high rate, and if this prop were to pass it would get higher, but that’s a different subject. The fact that these girls would resort to self induced abortions, or unhealthy acts to abort the child is way more upsetting than knowing that teens are going behind their parents’ backs to get an abortion. Voting yes on prop 4 would lead to more dangerous situations for these girls.

Now there are quite a few more props to vote on, but to me those are the most important. Like I said before, please read up on all of them, and do some research on the candidates. Don’t go to the polls tomorrow blinded by the media. Think for yourself and vote for who you think can make this country and this economy better.

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